Monday, May 23, 2011

Great job for all who have done goals this year!

This is the end of the Fitness Group scheduled time (Oct- May, 2010-2011).  So sad!  We had our celebration party Friday night at the cabin.  So fun!  We went on a boat ride, talked a lot and played Nertz and Pit.  It got crazy!  It was great to get away and make new friends and spend time with everyone.

Sorry for all who couldn't make it that wanted to!  We missed many of our friends who I know have been working hard on improving their health this year that had scheduling difficulties and were not able to come.

Would you like to do this again next year?  I had fun doing it, and I think it would be fun.  Any suggestions for making it better?  What would you like to learn?  What motivates you?

I will be posting pictures from the overnight soon.  Thanks for going!

A special thanks to Celeste and Judy for their hospitality at their cabins.  We appreciate you!

Signing off----


Monday, May 16, 2011

Vitamin C, are you getting enough?
Vitamin C is necessary for a healthy body.  Our body can only store a limited amount so we need to consume vitamin C on a regular basis.  Some great natural sources of vitamin C include broccoli, brussel sprouts, papaya, strawberries, oranges, kale, lemons, cauliflower, garlic, grapefruit, and spinach.

Some say megadoses (eating many times the recommended amount) of vitamin C helps to shorten the duration of the common cold.  This is not true. Moderately increasing your vitamin C levels when you have a cold may help to slightly reduce a cold's duration.  Drinking orange juice does help by increasing your fluid intake, and a little extra vitamin C may help.

Chronic low blood levels of vitamin C have been linked with the development of  atherosclerosis, or thickening of artery walls by cholesterol that may lead to heart problems.

One Canadian study found that low levels of vitamin C were linked to higher waist circumference, body mass index, and blood pressure.

One problem with increasing vitamin C consumption is one of the most common methods to do this involves drinking more juice and therefore getting possibly unneeded extra calories.  Whole foods will provide the vitamin C we need when we know which ones have high levels of the vitamin. (see beginning paragraph for ideas.)

Make sure and get your vitamin C today!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why we need friends---

Why do we need each other? What do you think?  There are many answers for that question, but the one that means the most to you depends on you.  Maybe we need each other to help us figure out difficult problems that we have a hard time seeing clearly on our own.  Maybe we need to love and to be loved and friends are a way to fulfill that need.  Maybe relationships are a key reason we are alive and one of the few things we can take with us when we leave this life.

What makes our life difficult if we feel alone?  I volunteered at an orphanage in another country in college.  One of our jobs was to hold a baby that was wasting away because it was not getting the love and attention she needed to thrive.  As we held her and played with her she began to grow and respond to us.  How wonderful!  We are like that too.  We can become depressed or even ill if we are lonely or isolated.  Our immune system is suppressed leaving us more prone to disease and problems. Let's reach out and love each other.  We need it! 

  • John 13:34

    34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

    God knows what he is talking about.  Share the love!  


(from Google images)