Monday, January 31, 2011

Note to self--- Check the wind chill

While I am thawing out, I thought I would say hello.  Here is the beautiful sunrise coming up at the park.  It was time to exercise for me and my dog convinced me with his lonely howl to take him to the park instead of doing the treadmill today. Yes, I am a pushover.  I looked out my window and what did I see?  Twenty degrees.  Not bad.  Oops!  I forgot to take into account my thermometer is close to my dryer vent and I have done a few loads of laundry today.  Plus, the real temperature according to my phone when I got home frozen was 11 degrees, feels like -3.  Its OK, I can move my face again and the frostbite shouldn't be too bad.  Yes, those temperatures are Fahrenheit.

Tip for the day?  Track what you eat.  I have been using " to track my calories and exercise.  It has been a reality check to see what I really do.  Part of fixing a problem is knowing what the problem is. It also motivates me to exercise everyday because I like adding those extra calories, even if I don't use them.  I like the accountability of knowing I have to log what I eat.  I take days off from doing this however.  Let it be a tool, not an obsession.  You know what I mean.

Get healthier today! :-)

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