Monday, February 14, 2011

Guess what time and win a fitness tracker from Donna!

I have a fitness tracker to give away so I thought I would do this little contest.  What time do you think it is in the above picture?  Use the length of my shadow to guess!   This was taken on Saturday, Feb. 12 and it was before noon. Send  me an email or post a comment with your guess.  Closest one to the correct time wins it!  Guessing ends at the end of the day on Friday, Feb 18th.

Why track what you are doing?
Keeping a record of what is happening can do a few things.  It can give you a reality check of what is actually happening.  For example, I realized when I started recording my calories that it is the snacks late in the day that put me over my calorie goal for the day.  I also realized when I record what I eat, I don't want to eat as much because I don't want to record it.

Tracking builds in accountability.  Would more help you?  Show me your goals each week and the record of how you did!  Knowing you have to show someone sometimes gets you going when you might not have otherwise done it.

Same goes for tracking exercise or whatever health goal you are striving to reach.  At the start of your goal, write it down and it becomes a more solid goal.  Record what you are doing to see progress and to help you see if you are truly reaching your goal.  A goal not written down and clarified  is only a wish!  Make those goals measurable.  I want to drink more water is a wish. I will drink more water by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, two in the morning and two at each meal is a better goal.  Then record how you do! Do not worry about perfection.  See improvement!  Happy goal making!
Find a reason to smile today . . . .

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